It seems hard to believe, but in the early days of the internet there were these things called internet cafes, where you would go, pay some money, and then have access to a computer with the internet for a set period of time.

And this was at a time when the internet wasn't on every phone and every TV and every watch. In fact, lots of families didn't even have computers in their houses... Wild, right?

The reason I'm telling you this is because the internet cafe was, for many queer kids, HUGE. This was somewhere you could go, find a quiet corner, and then discover a world that was, up until that time, a mystery to you...

And that's what happened for Macedonian drag queen Ronda Vu, who used chat rooms to find other gay people and take those tentative first steps in to being the queerdo that she is today.

And, it was thanks to these friendships that she found Bonnie, a gay bar that was found in the capital city of Skopje, capital of the Republic of Macedonia.

Do you have any memories of Bonnie, or clubbing from your own queer scene that you want to share? Well, if you have please get in touch - I want to create the biggest online record of people's memories and stories - go to and find the section 'Share a Lost Space' and tell me what you got up to! Bonus points for embarrassing photos!

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Find out more about Ronda by following her on Instagram (


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