For the third year in a row, we joined Jay & Jack on their “LOST Podcasting” panel at the San Diego Comic-Con. Over 100 people filled the Santa Rosa Room at the Marriott to talk about the end of “LOST,” and its possible future.



For the third year in a row, we joined Jay & Jack on their “LOST Podcasting” panel at the San Diego Comic-Con. Over 100 people filled the Santa Rosa Room at the Marriott to talk about the end of “LOST,” and its possible future.

The audio is a bit rough, and some questions were completely inaudible, so I’ve edited them out. Still, you should be able to follow the free-wheeling, fun conversation.

We had a blast at Comic-Con, and will definitely be returning next year! Hope to see you there!

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  0:49:30/45MB MP3 — : podcast, lost

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