After an agonizingly long summer break, “LOST” Season 3 is almost upon us. Of course, the final stretch is often the hardest part. Fortunately, there is some fresh “LOST” stuff out there to help quench our cravings. LOST Season 2 DVD – The Extended Experience: Holding the #1 sales rank at for a while […]

After an agonizingly long summer break, “LOST” Season 3 is almost upon us. Of course, the final stretch is often the hardest part. Fortunately, there is some fresh “LOST” stuff out there to help quench our cravings.

LOST Season 2 DVD – The Extended Experience: Holding the #1 sales rank at for a while now, chances are you’ve ordered this. But if you haven’t, what are you waiting for? The episodes are worth owning already, but it’s the extras that’ll really knock you out. Check out the latest episode of The LOST Podcast with Jay and Jack to get the early scoops on the seven-disc set.
Finding Lost – The Unofficial Guide: This new book from Nikki Stafford is due out later this month. Jen and I got an early preview, and she says it’s her favorite “unofficial” book yet (and there have been several). And no, her praise has nothing to do with the fact that some of the photographs featured in the book were taken by from some dork she knows.
Getting Lost – Survival, Baggage, and Starting Over in J. J. Abrams’ Lost: Renowned author Orson Scott Card opens with the proposition that “LOST” is the best television series of all time, and several writers then share their take on various aspects of the show. This collection of essays is a quick read, with a hint of snark that will make any forum lurker feel right of home.
Lost Podcasting Network: If you’re not subscribed to the LPN and haven’t checked in for a while, be sure to give a listen to some of the new “LOST” podcasts that have surfaced over the summer. When Season 3 gets going, there’ll probably be a week’s worth of stuff to listen to for each new episode… the perfect way to pass the time until the next one!

“LOST” returns on Oct. 4… at least for most people. Of course, we in Hawaii will get a few days’ jump on Season 3 with a sneak-preview on Sept. 30. I know, we suck.