In 1967 Jean-Luc Godard was like any modern young Marxist: blaming all of life’s ills on consumerism, blaming consumerism on America, yelling at his old friends for being bourgeoisie, getting into public debates with people who know his side better than he does, dating teenagers…but those young Marxists are usually college sophomores and Godard was 37. But like any good leftist unwilling to read theory, he eventually got a friend who wasn’t and could explain it to him, his in the form of Jean-Pierre Gorin. But before he and Gorin started working together, Godard had a few more things to work out and he decided to do so publicly. 2 0r 3 Things I Know About Her is just one of the half dozen or so films he made while in this ideological flux, all of which are more interesting for the meta-commentary they offer us on Godard’s mind than for being good movies.