Josh Wigler and Mike Bloom are rewatching all of LOST and discuss everything from episode ten of season one entitled "Raised by Another."

LOST: Down the Hatch | Season 1, Episode 10: “Raised By Another”

Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) and Mike Bloom (@AMikeBloomType) take a trip to the psychic to talk through “Raised By Another,” the first Lost episode focused squarely on Claire Littleton (Emilie de Ravin).

In “Raised By Another,” Claire suffers from strange night terrors, both dreamlike and all too real. She swears she’s being attacked, leading some to immediately rush to her aid, such as Charlie (Dominic Monaghan) and Hurley (Jorge Garcia), the latter of whom sets off on a mission to identify all the Oceanic 815 survivors via census. But others in the camp — namely, Jack (Matthew Fox) — aren’t so sure about Claire’s claims of an attack in the night. Her fears are confirmed to be all too real in horrifying fashion at the end of the hour, as she and Charlie find themselves at the mercy of Ethan Rom (William Mapother), the first ever Other introduced in Lost lore.

Off the island, Claire learns about her pregnancy and finds herself abandoned by her terrible boyfriend Thomas (Keir O’Donnell), then somehow falls into even stranger circumstances thanks to Richard Malkin (Nick Jameson), a psychic who may or may not actually have psychic abilities.

“Raised By Another” was directed by Marita Grabiak and written by Lynn E. Litt. It first aired on December 1, 2004.

About Down the Hatch …

LOST: Down the Hatch is a full-tilt spoiler-filled rewatch of LOST. Every week, Josh and Mike break down an episode of LOST with the benefit of knowing the series’ full trajectory, using the following structure as a guide:

We Go “Fourth” – Josh and Mike begin each podcast with a deep-dive into the story both in front of and behind the camera, and they do so with the assistance of…
8 Sounds – The events of LOST pop right off the camera and straight into your ears with eight memorable moments replayed on the podcast, helping us guide through the story;
15/16 Others – Josh and Mike answer questions and comments sent their way through the official e-mail address: [email protected]
23 Points – Each week, Josh and Mike hand out points for the best and worst characters of the episode in question, in a foolhardy attempt to determine the most and least valuable players in the LOST pantheon.
4.2 Stars – Josh and Mike will attempt to create an official Down the Hatch ranking of every episode of LOST, by rating them all on a scale from 0 – 4.2. Josh and Mike will offer their individual scores, listeners’ scores will be averaged as a third data point, then the three points will be combined for the podcast’s official score on each episode.

Each episode of Down the Hatch clocks in at no less than 108 minutes. If the podcast falls short of that runtime, Josh and Mike have triggered a crisis! Consequences may (and almost certainly will) ensue thanks to the Frozen Donkey Wheel.

Additional reading/listening/viewing from the podcast:

The Lost: Down the Hatch Wikipedia Page
Josh’s Lost Episode Rankings (The Hollywood Reporter)
Soundtrack Analysis: “Raised By Another” (Jim Fels)
Kate Austen, Illustrated (Sami Cappa)

The 23 Points Character Tracker, as of “Raised by Another” …

Kate: 6

Sayid: 4

Jack: 3

Locke: 3

Sun: 3

Monster: 2

Claire: 2

Charlie: 2

Hurley: 2

Jin: 1

Peach Man Ray Mullen: 1

Bpo Bpo the Dog: 1

The Moth: 1

Danielle Rousseau: 1

Nadia: 1

The Stewart family: 1

Seth Norris, Brother of Chuck and John: -1

The Marshal: -1

Christian Shepard: -1

Margo Shepard: -1

Chrissy the Oceanic Agent: -1

Allison Janney: -1

Liam Pace: -1

Driveshaft: -1

Anthony Cooper: -1

The Family Sawyer Conned: -1

Omar: -1

The French crew AKA the Blowfish: -1

Richard Malkin: -1

Da Boars: -2

Shannon: -2

Gawkers: -2

Boone: -2

Michael: -2

Sullivan AKA Rashole: -2

Randy Nations: -3

Sawyer: -3

Thomas: -3

The 4.2 Star Episode Rankings, as of “Raised by Another” …

“Walkabout” (Season 1, Episode 4)
“Pilot” (Season 1, Episode 1 + 2)
“White Rabbit” (Season 1, Episode 5)
“Solitary” (Season 1, Episode 9)
“House of the Rising Sun” (Season 1, Episode 6)
“Confidence Man” (Season 1, Episode 8)
“Raised By Another” (Season 1, Episode 10)
“Tabula Rasa” (Season 1, Episode 3)
“The Moth” (Season 1, Episode 7)

Previous Down the Hatch episodes:

In Which We Go Back
Last Call Before the Rewatch
Season 1, Episodes 1 + 2: “Pilot, Part 1 + 2”
Season 1, Episode 3: “Tabula Rasa”
Season 1, Episode 4: “Walkabout”
Season 1, Episode 5: “White Rabbit”
Season 1, Episode 6: “House of the Rising Sun”
Season 1, Episode 7: “The Moth”
Season 1, Episode 8: “Confidence Man”
Season 1, Episode 9: “Solitary”
RPG Episode #1: “Autopilot”

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