Recently we rebroadcast our show with famous brain expert and outspoken vaccine critic, Dr. Andrew Moulden. The response was enthusiastic. So we had the idea, why not do some more shows with people who are no longer physically alive? After all, we should not rule out inviting great guests onto Lost Arts Radio, just because of a minor issue with their physical bodies. Once I realized the extent of this huge untapped reservoir of incredible guests for the show, I started exploring the logistics of getting this done. Conclusion: it's a ton of work for me and for Doug. But the resulting shows can be exciting, so we decided to do another one of them.

For Sunday's show, I am actually very excited to be able to announce our guest will be the Reverend, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ( Yes, we have a few challenging details to take care of, like going back in time, 50 years to be exact. But with the available electronic technology and Doug's expertise in audio and video work for music professionals and others worldwide (see what he does at, I figured, how hard could it be. Well, pretty hard actually, but we got it done. I can't give you Dr. King's current website like we do with most guests, he told me he had never heard of the "internet," but try to be there for this show if you can. I think you will find our discussion relevant, even though it comes to us out of the past.

On the radio show website ( you will find links to the radio show archives, articles/news, educational resources, announcements, and more.