Join Kevin as he welcomes Val back to the show to discuss a wide range of topics from recent games, custom missions and modes, keeping a community going during lockdown, and the importance of supporting your FLGS.

We also announce the winner of the August challenge and what is in store for next month!

Finally, the guys recap the recent Tag Raid demo from CB


Links to the various events and registration forms below!


Operation Cool Breeze: a 400pts TTS League. Registrations close 24 September


August Challenge Submissions - Code One


Brisbane Open: 6-7 November, Acacia Ridge Hotel, Brisbane


We are also doing a charity raffle for the painted Siocast Vostok, painted by the one and only Julian!

All proceeds go to Lifeline Australia

$5 per raffle ticket payable (Paypal) to:

[email protected] 

If you'd prefer to donate in another way, please get in touch.

A winner will be drawn at the end of October


Finally, join us on our Discord server to keep the conversation going:


Thanks for listening!