Join Jacob, Kev and Nick as they do a deep dive into arguably the most important turn in Infinity, Deployment!

The guys also plug some upcoming events, discuss the recent Studio Update from CB and announce the first LoL monthly challenge.


16" Challenge - 

For the month of May, play games using weapons with no better range bands than a rifle. That means no Spitfires, HMGs or Snipers. We will allow the use of profiles with secondary weapons such as Panzerfausts, Blitzens, Flash Pulses etc, but you cannot use those weapons in game. Grenade Launchers are also out.

The intention of the challenge is to get you thinking about positioning and mobility to get the most out of the shorter range bands, rather than just sitting back and shooting your opponent at range.

Tell us what you found, did you discover any new profiles, tricks or strategies to overcome your opponent?

Write up a battle report with pictures and your army code and send your entry to:

[email protected]

A winner will be selected at the end of the month with the prize of a blister of your choice from the legends at Toy Soldier Imports!


Don't forget to join us on our Discord channel for the latest updates and banter from the LoL crew


Thanks for listening!