"All you can do is be somebody that you love and turn yourself into somebody that you love."
- Maggie Young

Maggie has admittedly had sex with over 50 men, and she has authored a memoir about the first 23. Her Sex-Positive ideology has her free as a bird, and able to openly talk about her sex life and more. Including growing up in abuse, rape, and even a recent sexual harassment incident while driving for UBER.

Maggie Young is a military veteran, UC Berkeley graduate, and author of her gritty sex memoir, Just Another Number. Her voice is a form of investigative reporting with a memoir’s emotional authenticity. While her work covers a wide array of topics, her primary focus is rape culture, patriarchy in Millennial dating, sex, and masculinity. Her goal is to expose corruption with exploitative literature. She writes for several publications, including Thrillist, Bust, Bustle, and YourTango. Maggie’s sex-positive feminist podcast, The Harlot, is set to release this summer.

Her story littered with hypocritical Christians, brainwashed warriors, deadbeat band guys, and the spoiled, cocaine snorting trust fund offspring of California’s elite. It also entails eating disorders, drug cultures, social media, and of course, military corruption.

She's been through a lot. I admire her life tenacity and sexual freedom. I am notoriously anxious when conversating about sex and sexuality. Even with my wife, whom I've been married to for 15 years.

Growing up religious - sex, and sexuality was always shunned and never discussed. At the very least it was ignored or embarrassingly passed off. I first learned about sex from the scrambled cable channels and 4th Grade Sex-Ed.

Isn't sex and sexuality something we should all feel free to discuss? No matter what your background sex is supposed to be awesome. Right? Shouldn't it be enjoyed, and experienced and experimented within each of out desired comfort zone?

She's a fan of Dan Savage and Sex Nerd Sandra. We discuss her thoughts about the Guys We Fucked podcast.


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