Zeke is a fantastically beautiful musician. Hearing his songs gave me goosebumps as tears welled up in my eyes. He’s the first former Mormon to be on the podcast but is most recently from the Mars Hill, Acts 29, Imago Dei, Missional Community type of religious institution.

Zeke was drawn into the Mars Hill scene when many of his musical hero’s were heading into the culture there. Through his journey of losing religion, he has grown from a "strong" miscegenistic, “Christian” viewpoint and lifestyle. To finding humility, community and solidarity in places that religious folks would assume to be unlikely.

We engage in a fascinating conversation regarding faith, belief, and wonder along the lines of journeying through life in the godless world.

What if I don’t believe anymore? What happens now? What's next? What about the Bible? The book that kept trying to convince us to love someone that maybe we don’t love? So many make it a narrative about a god that is so insecure that if you call him another name he banishes you to hell. Is there a hell? Or have we just come up with it to fit our need for there to be a battle between good and evil? To create an American scenario of what a winner and a loser are?

I can relate to Zeke's story of going through hell, and the only people that will reach deeply to you are those that the church would say are going to hell…which creates a whole different view of community through who show themselves to be "your people", "your crew", "your squad".

Belonging is a big deal! Solidarity is a massive thing. Solidarity in joy, pain, suffering, and celebration.

The pain and beauty in art and it being the best and only medium to express our humanity in the most transparent and beautiful ways. This gives the suffering a voice. Suffering Deserves a Voice.


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This Episode's Landing Page:  http://www.losingourreligion.org/episodes/2016/3/15/episode-034-belonging-and-solidarity-through-joy-and-pain-ezekiel-rudick-ex-mormon


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