Christian is one of those guys that I wish I wouldn't have written off back in my Mega-Dick Ministry days. I've heard his name from time to time over the years, no doubt because he has written almost ten books. The titles and content of which I am now in love with, but they probably would have threatened all the religious insecurities I had back then. Which would have lead me to ignore the much-needed voice he has.

We spend some time in this episode discussing how the human brain works and how it infects religion in dangerous ways. With all the many wonderful things we chat about, I feel like we kept knocking on the door of Security Addiction. How our addiction to certainty being a crux to dependence on things like religion.

I also finally learn the difference between a Heretic and an Apostate! Haha! Which it sounds like I am more of a heretic these days than I thought. We need heretics! But as we say..."FUCK LABELS!"

Christian is a contributor to the Huffington Post; a blogger for Patheos; a contributor to Sojourners; and a contributor to Red Letter Christians.


PRE-ORDER: Not That Kind of Christian: Loving God Without Being an A**hole:

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