This week's episode is all about elves: high elves, aquatic elves, sanguine elves, tough elves, sissy elves, elves who climb on rocks... we explore the depth of their histories and settle our focus on the anchor point of Aevum Quintus.

 Carter drops some mad worldbuilding in the latter half, so if you've got questions about where slyph (half-elves) come into the picture, he'll tell you all about it. Speaking of, all credit to the musical scoring goes to Josh Silker, who also wrote Land of Heroes our opening song.

 We've gotten some questions about the WorldAnvil website, and we are happy to tell you that it is on its way! There is a substantial amount of content to migrate from a thousand different hastily-scribbled notes, so it will be a little while yet before we will be ready to release.

 Until then, there are always more stories to tell!
 Questions or ideas? Email us at [email protected]
Twitter: @thelorekeepers

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