Guess who’s back, back again… LSL… tell a friend. That’s right it’s Episode 34 and Toons and Neo have paused their obsessive Diablo playing to bring you another great podcast. With Neo’s guts staying on the inside still the guys have been hitting that diablo season 9 pretty hard. Surprise one of the hosts already lost a well geared character. A main discussion this week is The Furnace - The rare and mythical 2H Mace that Toons would probably sell a kidney for at this point. HoTS is getting Valeera which excites both Neo and Toons because rogue. There’s some Tassadar changes coming that definitely look interesting. Overwatch has been moved to the back burner for these guys but the new Lunar event is coming next week which follows the Year and Blizzards standard theme of reds, golds, dragons, etc. And to finish off the episode the guys discuss toxicity in the game.

Guess who’s back, back again… LSL… tell a friend. That’s right it’s Episode 34 and Toons and Neo have paused their obsessive Diablo playing to bring you another great podcast. With Neo’s guts staying on the inside still the guys have been hitting that diablo season 9 pretty hard. Surprise one of the hosts already lost a well geared character. A main discussion this week is The Furnace – The rare and mythical 2H Mace that Toons would probably sell a kidney for at this point. HoTS is getting Valeera which excites both Neo and Toons because rogue. There’s some Tassadar changes coming that definitely look interesting. Overwatch has been moved to the back burner for these guys but the new Lunar event is coming next week which follows the Year and Blizzards standard theme of reds, golds, dragons, etc. And to finish off the episode the guys discuss toxicity in the game.

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