Previous Episode: E24 – Hipster Trio

Before we get started we apologize for our short hiatus, we promise you we had good reasons for it. Our return episode starts off with some well wishes to some Blizzard employees venturing off into a new studio. We’re talking about Apple this week as well, so we’re sure you’re confused. Our reasoning is: Apple stuff, we guess? The end of Season 7 is coming and now the word ‘Era’ is a thing, so we educate you on what exactly that means. Like Gears of War? Us too, so we’re talking about it, on a Blizzardcast. Sylvanas still remains bae in our hearts and minds while Malfurion is a beast. Toons decides to miss a conversation on Zarya because of tool reasons and Paladins are like pilates? We’re rounding our the show with a conversation about whether we would play Overwatch with friendly fire on. We would totally play that, even Neo would!

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