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Headlines for this episode:

Recap holiday mess party
Some important squad updates
Looking back at 2021/3307

Squad Update:

We arrived in xians ((we don't want to be there!)we will try to leave soon)
Our next expansion should go to snoqui xian! (Where we meant to go!) (as long as we force a retreat there!)
By the time you're hearing this we might have started a control war in Balmus! (only 5% to go!)

Chig chat:

Galnet Recap: Blame The Bard

Dev news: No Dev News over the holiday week

Update 10 will come in the new year focussed mainly on performance and bugs

FC interiors pushed to Update 11: “early in 2022”

Discussion: The multi-limpet controller?

Weight is better, but still not great, probably not the best choice for exploring

Mining, Does allow more limpets out at a time, but no A rated = poor prospecting and can’t fire a new prospector until collectors are destroyed

The stats display is useless - fully requires 3rd party tools to figure out what to buy.

Scorpion SRV: Senior Designer Tom Kewell Talks about creating the Scorpion

Slower, heavy, but very grippy.

Gun starts shooting very, very wide and gains accuracy and fire rate during the trigger pull.

Meant to be effective against ships and Goliaths, very bad at hitting persons.

Fleet Carrier interior Preview: Senior Game Designer Darin Halil shows it off

Services, bartender is material market

Owner and team has a private room

Colors can be customized with arx

Jump sequence is viewable and you’re forced into a seat for that

Community Corner: Galnet News Digest 3307 Year In Review


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