After announcing our planned acquisition of Qples, many of Fobi’s followers and fans are eager to know more about Qples, as well as the opportunities and capabilities this creates for Fobi going forward.

On this week’s episode, we talk to Qples President Eddy Watson about what Qples does, how Universal Digital Coupons work, and why its technology is a quantum leap for consumer brands delivering over $200 billion in discount offers and promotions each year.

Qples gives CPG brands a uniquely streamlined way to create, deliver, and measure the impact of coupon campaigns. Besides helping brands shave weeks of time and significant costs off the process of creating, delivering, and redeeming coupon promotions, Qples’s solution goes beyond couponing to capture 1st party customer data - presenting powerful synergies with Fobi’s technologies in the retail data and loyalty marketing space.

If you want to understand what joining forces with Qples will mean for Fobi, this week’s episode is a must-listen!

Read the full transcript for Episode 18 here.