Hello Wonderlings,

Welcome to another episode of Looking Back On My Wonder Years: A Wonder Years Podcast. I’m your host Angela Bowen.Today I will be reviewing Season 1 Episode 3 My Father’s Office which aired on March 29, 1988 and Episode 4 Angel which aired on April 5, 1988.

In the episode My Father’s Office we see a young Kevin eager to know more about his father, go to work with him and after he views his father in a whole new light.

Time for my Flower Power Episode Rating for Episode 3 My Father’s Office:

I’m giving this episode four out of five flower power petals

1- For Take Your Kid to work day
2- Kevin’s suit
3- Kevin and Jack coffee break talk
4- Kevin and Jack share a moment over the telescope in the backyard.
I’m taking one flower power petal away because of Stan’s incompetence, making decisions without talking to Jack first putting him in hot water with his boss.

Season 1 Episode 4: Angel
Karen’s continued disobedience and lack of repect leads to constant arguments with her parents. Guess who’s coming to dinner, when Karen starts dating college guy Louis, her sense of political views become warped by his overpowering influence, everything comes to a head when she invites Louis to dinner and he calls Jack out on his on his time serving in Korea referring to him as a brainwashed idiot, as well as all the pointless deaths currently occurring in Vietnam. Will Karen see Louis for who he really is, or will she be continue to be blinded by his radical ideals.

I’m giving it two out of five flower power petals

1 for Jack standing up and defending himself to Louis’s radical ideas.

2 for Norma sending that chicken flying into Louis’s lap being he’s a vegetarian and all.

I knocked off three flower power petals mainly for Louis’s attitude towards Jack and Norma and also for Karen defending her boyfriend instead of standing up to him.

Stay tuned for next week’s podcast episode where I discuss Episodes 5 and 6 The Phone Call and Dance with Me, the final two episodes of Season 1.

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All right, well, until next time, Peace Out Wonderlings.