Happy Wonder Wednesday Everyone,

Angela Bowen here, the host of Looking Back On My Wonder Years: A Wonder Years Podcast.

Today, I covered The Wonder Years S1E19: Love & War, which aired on April 13, 2022.

In this episode when Bruce returns home from Vietnam, the family is shocked to find out he is dating, and eager to share his life with, an older woman with a son; when they learn more about Bruce's last deployment, they come together to support him.

I enjoyed this episode, seeing Bruce again and getting to know him a little more and of course the cherry on the sundae, that ending that connects both shows bringing it full circle.

At the end of this episode I do a comparison between Bruce and Tammy from the new Wonder Years and Wayne and Bonnie from the OG Wonder Years.

Both guys young and in love and moving way to fast.

Granted Bruce's reasoning to propose and move in with Tammy came from a place of wanting to do the things that Brian Copper wouldn't have a chance to do like get married and have kids. Bruce decides to continue to date Tammy and be a role model for her son Joey.

Wayne on the other hand, wanted to feel needed and thought what he did for Bonnie was love, Sadly, it was one sided.

She, I believe, in my opinion used Wayne to make her ex-husband jealous and in the end got back together with him.

Join me next month when I cover S1E20: Bill's New Gig, which aired on April 20, 2022.

In this episode Bill is excited to have made tenure at the university, only to find that his focus on career and family has cost him a spot in his band; Bruce adjusts to living at home.

Have a great week everyone!

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