Happy Wonder Wednesday Everyone,

Angela Bowen here, the host of Looking Back On My Wonder Years: A Wonder Years Podcast.

Today, I covered S1E13: The Valentine's Day Dance, which aired on February 2, 2022.

In this episode Dean's plans to ask Keisa to the Valentine's Day Dance are foiled when another boy asks her out first; Bill and Lillian make Kim sign up for a Big Sister program to have extracurricular activities for her college applications.

I really enjoyed this episode. We got to learn more about Keisa and we saw a sweet moment between her and Dean. I liked that he put his crush for her aside and in the moment could be what she needed most, a friend.

I got Kirk McCray (Winnie's first boyfriend from Season 2 of the Wonder Years) vibes from Perry Barlow. Whether or not we see him again is up to the writers and creators. I liked that he was polite and actually asked Keisa's father's permission to take her to the dance.

I could not see the same going over so well for Dean no matter how polite he was. He didn't make the best first impression with her parents during that meeting in the principal's office during Episode 3 The Club.

I really liked seeing Kim and Keisa hanging out. I hope we can learn more about Keisa's brother down the road if it's somehow relevant to the story. He's clearly an athlete, judging my the letterman jacket she wears and likes sports since he collects baseball cards.

Join me in March when I cover S1E14: Country Dean, which aired on February 23, 2022.

in this episode the family spends spring break with Lillian's parents; Lillian helps to settle a land dispute to impress her difficult-to-please mother.

Have a great week and I hope you enjoy the episode!

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