Hey Everyone,

Angela Bowen here, the host of She's A Small Wonder: A Small Wonder Podcast.

Today, I covered S2E8: Who's The Boss?, which aired on November 1, 1986.

In this episode Jamie has a dream that he's the boss of his parents.

I will honestly admit this is a hot garbage dump fire of an episode.

It was not great!

Nothing but a HOT sweaty Fever Dream Sequence for Jamie.

On the plus side we get to see Reggie, who in my book, is 100 times cooler than Jamie could ever wish to be.

I'm sorry for the Jamie hate, but this kid really got in my craw this episode with his bratty-ness.

Harriet makes an appearance looking as pale and ghostly-er than Edward Cullen from Twilight.

At least I have high hopes that September's episode S2E9: P-P- Paula, which aired on November 8, 1986 will be better if not a straight up after school special which is a welcome from this hot fever dream mess ep.

In this episode Jamie is assigned to tutor a girl who stutters.

Have a great weekend everyone!

See you in September!

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