Hey Everybody,

Welcome to another episode of Tea Time With Mr. Belvedere: A Mr. Belvedere Podcast. Join me your host Angela Bowen as I review Season 1 Episode 2 The Outcasts which aired on March 29, 1985. In this episode we see Wesley angry over not receiving an invite to his best friend next door neighbor Howie Huffnagle’s birthday party so he decides to throw his own party on the same day but with most of his classmates at Howie’s party he’s left with only the outcasts in his class to invite.

A dilemma arises when an hour or so into his party Howie calls to invite Wes over to his. What to do? Should he stay or go? Hilarity ensues as we see George and Marsha doe their best to entertain the awkward partygoers as well as school janitor Mr. Rajneesh who was also invited per Belvedere's advice. Nametags, noisemakers and a rousing game of the hokey pokey can't bring this party back from the land of the lame.

Will Wesley learn a lesson in proper party host etiquette? Listen to find out!