Hey Everyone,

Angela Bowen here, the host of Looking Back On My Wonder Years: A Wonder Years Podcast.

Today, I decided to cover the sequel to Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993), Homeward Bound 2: Lost In San Francisco (1996).

Movie Synopsis:

When adventurous pets Chance, Shadow and Sassy are accidentally separated from their vacationing owners, they're left to fend for themselves on the mean streets of San Francisco, in search for the "golden bridge" that will take them home.

Having not watched this movie in a long time, I was surprised how it all started coming back to me as I was watching this. I remember first hearing about this movie when I saw the movie Jumanji in 1995.

At the time I had no idea that this movie was even a thing until I saw the trailer that played before Jumanji and I was beyond excited.

I received this movie on VHS for my 14th birthday back in 1996 and watched it constantly. I even named my black Labrador that I rescued from an animal shelter, Delilah after the beautiful white dog in this movie who falls in love with Chance.

Let's just say Jamie's attitude got way on my nerves in this movie and Bob has not improved in the last two years as he still seems to see the pets as a major inconvenience and not understanding how much Peter and Hope love their dog Shadow and cat Sassy, and Jamie pretty much could care less if Chance disappeared forever(at least at the beginning of the movie), he whines incessantly about missing his baseball game (boo-hoo)the fact that he thinks he has time to get in some practice with his team before his family boards a plane to go camping in Canada is ridiculous after all they as his Mom tells him "we're leaving in 20 minutes" (granted this is pre 9-11 but still).

Honestly, the stakes are not high at all in this movie, and I definitely saw similarities between scenes in this movie and the first. Take for instance the scene between Kate and the park ranger as he tells he what the pets are up against (bears, mountain lions etc, " Movie Quote "these animals wouldn't stand a chance out here") compared to (cars, trucks, trolleys, other strays, animal science labs and let's not forget the wackos out there Movie Quote "lost animals and cities just don't mix").

I'm surprised, for a dog who grew up on the streets, Chance is pretty clueless to how things work unless those two years as a pet erased any memory he ever had from living on the streets.

As far as the voice work goes, everyone reprises their role but Shadow due to Don Ameches death after the first movie was released. Ralph Waite is ok, but he makes Shadow sound like an out of breath 80 year old man where Don Ameche was a perfect mach.

Just like the first film this one is chock full of Terminator references thanks to Chance. I felt bad for Riley (worst kid/owners ever, makes Jamie seem like an angel).

Overall, I enjoyed this movie for what it offers, laughs and feel good moments.

I hope you all enjoy this movie review and have a great holiday weekend!

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