Hey Everyone,

Angela Bowen here, the host of Show Me That Smile Again: A Growing Pains Podcast.

First Day of School Jitters, maybe First Week Of School Blues Setting in?

Either way you’re not alone. Let the Seaver Kids First Day Of School Antics get you though.

It’s Back to School Time for the Seaver Kids in S2E2: Fast Times At Dewey High which aired on October 21, 1986.

The first day proves to be a challenge for all the Seaver children, Ben has to face down a bully with surprising results, Carol is hell bent on things being new and different for her first day of school that she accepts a date/non date from Mike’s friend Boner who was sporting pencil stache and Mike... well, Mike has a harsh reality to face after he breaks a date with a girl he’s been working on all summer, and then spends his first day chasing after an unknown blond only to find out she already knows him and doesn’t trust him.

Have a great first day of school, whether it's high school or college.