Hey Everybody,

Angela Bowen here, the host of Looking Back On My Wonder Years: A Wonder Years Podcast.

Today, I covered the final installment in the Sarah Plain and Tall Movie Trilogy, Winter's End (1999).

Movie Synopsis:

It's been 8 years since Jacob Witting and his two children Anna and Caleb, met and fell in love with the woman who would transform their lives for the better, Sarah Wheaton from Maine who arrived in Kansas after answering an ad for a woman to care for a widower and his two children, to make a difference.

Now, we see the Witting family has added a new family member, 6 year-old adorableand inquisitive Cassie as well as losing some furry family members Nick the dog from the movies Sarah Plain and Tall and Skylark and Seal, Sarah's cat who she brought from Maine but gaining Nichol also a border collie who according to Cassie is the son of Nick.

Spoiler Alert:

In the final 2 books in the series More Perfect Than The Moon and Grandfather's Dance, Nick and Seal are very much alive. In fact Seal is a grandmother as one of her grandcats is living on the farm.

Anna who is 19 and studying medicine is working under Dr. Sam in town during the 1918 Spanish Flu Epidemic and dating his son Justin who is away at war.

Caleb is about 14 and continues to work on the farm as he goes to school, he even contemplates leaving school like his father and grandfather to work on the farm full time, but Jacob and his father stress the importance of a good education.

On a cold winter day a mysterious stranger shows up at the Witting Farm. We soon learn he is John Witting, Jacob's father who he originally thought was dead, but in actuality abandoned Jacob and his mother when Jacob was little, leaving him to quit school at a young age and take over running the farm.

Upon John's return, Jacob is is very hurt by what his father did to him many years ago and unwilling to hear John's side and the real reason he left all those years ago.

Sarah has her hands full with 6 year Cassie who is filled with questions for John and Caleb's been handed the task from Anna to fill the family journal with stories of the family and the farm while she is away in town.

Hard truths are revealed, life threatening weather arrives and relationships are mended in this beautiful and heartwarming conclusion to this movie trilogy.

I hope you all enjoy my review as I loved covering it. These movies will forever be close to my heart.

I promise at some point to cover the two remaining books in the Sarah Plain and Tall book series on the podcast.

Have a great week everyone!