Happy Almost Turkey (Thanksgiving) Day Everyone,

Angela Bowen here, the host of the soon to be all new 2021 Podcast, The World According To Cory: An Unofficial Boy Meets World Podcast, coming January 2021.

Today, I decided in honor of Turkey Day (Thanksgiving) I would cover Boy Meets World S4E10: Turkey Day, which aired on November 22, 1996.

In this episode after learning about prejudice among the tribes of Africa, Cory & Shawn want to have their families celebrate Thanksgiving together.

I really enjoyed this episode as Cory and Shawn try to bring their families together for Thanksgiving and the boys set such a great example for their parents of how despite class differences you can still sit down and break bread together.

I also loved how adorable Morgan and Herman were together. That little guy is such a great mini version of his older brother Frankie. Such a little charmer and poet of words.

We only had Topanga for the very beginning and end of the episode. I wonder what kind of Thanksgiving Topanga had.

I love the effect Feeny's lessons have on the kids, but especially when it pertains to Shawn, he really grew so much as a character under Feeny teachings and advice.

Join me in December when I cover a Boy Meets World Christmas Episode S5E11: A Very Topanga Christmas, which aired on December 19, 1997.

In this episode Topanga spends her first Christmas at the Matthews home. Cory is happy at first but when traditions clash, he starts to have misgivings about their future together.

Have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving everyone!

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