Several records fell when the incoming class of Assemblymembers were sworn into office this month. Women outnumbered men in the 2023/24 class. The total percentage of women in the Legislature reached a new high. LGBTQ+ representation also set a new high mark. Sixteen of the new Members have joined the Assembly Democratic Caucus. They come from all over California with incredibly diverse backgrounds. In this two part episode of Look West you’ll get to meet them all.

In Part 1 you’ll meet Juan Carrillo, Blanca Pacheco, Josh Lowenthal, Diane Papan, Gregg Hart, Avelino Valencia, Esmeralda Soria and Stephanie Nguyen.

In Part 2 you’ll meet Dr. Jasmeet Bains, Rick Chavez Zbur, Pilar Schiavo, Dawn Addis, Dr. Corey Jackson, Gail Pellerin, Liz Ortega and Damon Connolly.