This week on Look Forward, Andy and Jay are joined by the lovely third wheel, Brad. The three discuss the fallout from the G7, Trump's trade war escalates with China, increased shitty behavior at the border when it comes to kids, the Trump Foundation gets sued, Manafort goes to jail, Michael Cohen close to flipping, James Comey's real bias revealed, and much more.


The Gauntlet

G7 meeting erupts in a fight with...CANADA?!!!
Trump triples down on the trade war
Child separation continues at the border, now with tent city for kids
Guess who pushed this policy?
Playboy journalist calls out Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Trump 2020 team working with former Cambridge Analytica employees
U.S. expected to retreat from main U.N. rights forum: activists, diplomats

The Eliminator

Trump Foundation being sued by the state of New York
Paul Manafort jailed for witness tampering
Mueller request 1 TRILLION blank subpoenas

Michael Cohen’s information has been recovered by feds
IG report on Comey’s handling of the Clinton emails and investigations

The Atlasphere

Trump meets with Kim Jong Un and it goes “great?”

This Week in Stupid

Yup, that’s right, he said that...for real...out of his dumb fuck mouth

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