I went to Portland, OR, to attend the 2016 Rose City Comic Con. After the con, I got together with Damian (guest host on episodes 88-91 and 102) and Matt (guest host on episode 80 and host on https://youtu.be/L1s2vj0f1cY) at a Portland pub to discuss this fantastic con! We discuss the wonderful cosplay, the shopping, the state of RCCC, and specific panels.

Please send your comments to [email protected], chat with me @longboxreview on Twitter, or visit longboxreview.com. Please subscribe, rate, and review the show via iTunes.

Thanks for listening!


Damian's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/sleepyreader666 Matt's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/agent42q/ Brian Joines: https://twitter.com/brianmjoines Ron Randall: http://trekkercomic.com/ Terry Moore: http://www.terrymooreart.com/ Bryan Fyffe: http://www.bryanfyffe.com/ Amelia Davis: http://www.ameliaddraws.com/ Helen Mask: http://www.helenmask.com/

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