Episode 017: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode - 15: The Living Daylights

Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS!  On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!

This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network! 

Here's the original posted information for when this episode originally aired on April 8, 2019.


MI6 ROOKIE AGENTS returns! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson. Jarrod and Jason take a look at the Bond series through the eyes of their guests who are first-time (or first time in a long time) viewers new to James Bond, for an entirely different Bond perspective and experience.

This episode: What do the newbies make of The Living Daylights? The Alberich brothers are somewhere in the natural gas pipeline, Pat is dropping off some milk, and Delvin is being romantic on the Ferris wheel, so all the bases are covered...but who’s trade the diamonds for opium...and then the opium for money...and then the money to purchase weapons? I think that’s right...?

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