Hi there, all you lonelycrackers!

We have a new way to contact us! We have set up a YouTube account, and will be posting videos up there in the near future. You can send messages, be our friend, and subsribe! Also, we have subsbribed to our own accounts, so you can check out all our videos while you wait for our special LonelyCast15 videos.

One video worth mentioning at the moment is Poknish's "What do U Think" video, where he raises the hooded person's voice pitch. Some people claim it sounds like Sarah, others say Lucy-but what do you think? Check out the video here.

Unforunately LonelyCast15 #13 will be delayed this week. There were some problems with the recording, and one of us wasn't in the greatest mood. But we will record again for next week, and make sure its better than ever!

Stay tuned for more exciting announcements from us!
-The LonelyCast15 Hosts