This is London Fintech Podcast episode 42, the answer to life, the universe and everything. Well a bit of everything anyway. And I have the pleasure to be joined today by – er – myself. In the now traditional (um – can doing something twice be a tradition?) first podcast of the year step away […]


This is London Fintech Podcast episode 42, the answer to life, the universe and everything. Well a bit of everything anyway. And I have the pleasure to be joined today by – er – myself.

In the now traditional (um – can doing something twice be a tradition?) first podcast of the year step away from diving into a topic with an esteemed guest and take a more top of the mountain view of the landscape.

As it’s a bumper funpack we will cover a whole range of topics all of which pertain to Fintech.

So we start today’s show with the relevance of Star Wars; move on to beer and deep dive into a topic that applies to Fintech and to the whole of our perception of the world, the media – mainstream and indie.

Next a review of key themes from 2015 UK Fintech and finally we wrap up with some thoughts about the future.

In the next episode I’ll be back to the far easier task of asking folks smarter than I the answer to life the universe and everything or at least what’s going on in their corner of the Fintech phenomenon

Share and enjoy!

Happy New Year to all


Links I reference are:

Brewdog’s post “Nailing our colours to the mast”
The Intercept’s article Former Drone Operators Say They Were “Horrified” By Cruelty of Assassination Program
Freezing of whistleblowers’ bank accounts and credit cards
Why did HSBC close bank accounts?
Yanis Varoufakis on Youtube
Ray McGovern, Charles Shoebridge

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