Previous Episode: A Question of Degree
Next Episode: The Fab 2

It's hot in the Mediterranean and James and Toby discuss the recent forest fires in Greece and whether climate change or arsonists are to blame. This triggers an argument (From these two? Really?) about whether there are enough honest journalists left to expose such wrongdoing and that, in turn, leads to a heated discussion about whether the journalist Ross Clark is a genuine climate contrarian because concedes that the world has got a little bit warmer in the past 150 years.

We then segue into a discussion of their holidays this year, both those they've already had and those they are planning, with James saying he may go to Amsterdam which leads to agreement that cannabis should probably not be legalised.

Finally, in Culture Corner, James discusses the new University Challenge, as well as having almost finished Anna Karenina – which he declares the best novel he’s ever read – while Toby gives a lukewarm review to Hijack.

Opening sound this week is CapX editor discussing Michael Gove's backtracking on Net Zero.