This week, Pat shines the spotlight on Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers and New Avengers runs. Joined by Kevin Spooner and Mike Furth, we discuss some of the books’ big moments, our favorite reveals, make guesses on where it’s all going, and so much more! Nearly two hours of geeking out, and a really fun show. HEAVY […]

This week, Pat shines the spotlight on Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers and New Avengers runs. Joined by Kevin Spooner and Mike Furth, we discuss some of the books’ big moments, our favorite reveals, make guesses on where it’s all going, and so much more! Nearly two hours of geeking out, and a really fun show. HEAVY SPOILERS, though, so be warned!

Music by the Revengineers and Mastodon. Cover art illustrated by Kev Walker and Frank Martin, design by Chris Maze.

Kevin on twitter: @SupernovaShock

Mike on twitter: @thecomicarchive

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Pat on twitter: @patloika

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