This week on Loikamania: I chat with artist Dustin Nguyen about his origins in the biz and his early years in comics doing books like The Authority and Wildcats 3.0. Then, we get into his years working on Batman, from Detective to Li’l Gotham, we leave no stone unturned in another fun episode of Loikamania! […]

This week on Loikamania: I chat with artist Dustin Nguyen about his origins in the biz and his early years in comics doing books like The Authority and Wildcats 3.0. Then, we get into his years working on Batman, from Detective to Li’l Gotham, we leave no stone unturned in another fun episode of Loikamania! PLUS: we talk some Street Fighter!

Cover by Dustin Nguyen and designed by Chris Maze. Loikamania theme by the Revengineers.

Dustin on tumblr:

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