Scott Adams is a smart man. Importantly, he's used those smarts to elevate himself into a diverse collection of powerful platforms.

Whether from classrooms to boardrooms, cartoons to capital, investments to influence, politics to periscope and beyond, Scott has found ways to elevate himself to the highest levels.

In this inaugural episode of the Logocentrifugal Podcast WAR Series, I asked Mr. Adams to explain some of the tools he uses to avoid what he calls Loserthink (he explains these tools in depth within the pages of the book by the same name), and to apply his skill in using those tools to take a look at the world of war and conflict.

He did not disappoint.

Though this isn't the first episode I've recorded for the WAR Series, I've chosen to release it first so that you, dear audience member, can absorb the lessons he offers and apply them to the forthcoming episodes.

In this way, I hope to be able to increase your ability to apply your own critical eye and enhance your capacity to think in an independent manner about the different perspectives you'll be exposed to in the coming months.

I want you to think for yourself, and to be able to do that well.

Scott Adams has the same desire, and has made it one of his central efforts. That's why I was grateful to him for coming on to help me help you do that.

Listen carefully, take notes and enjoy the ride.

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