Previous Episode: Dave's Dissimilar Duet
Next Episode: Cockpits & Cocktails

Trevor Simoneau shares with the story of his very first GA flight as a participant in EAA Young Eagles, which led to his journey to becoming a private pilot. To wrap up the episode Trevor shares his next big adventure with us. You don't want to miss this.

Trevor started his journey into general aviation at age ten. From there on, only the sky was the limit. In order to afford flight training, Trevor did what any kid his age would do: he started a business selling aviation apparel. With that, was born.

Trevor soloed a Cessna 172P on this sixteenth birthday, and he will have his private pilot certificate shortly after turning seventeen. As if that's not enough already, Trevor has announced that he is planning to fly a single-engine airplane around the world all by himself. His mission is to encourage grade school kids at all levels to follow their dreams.

Follow along on his journey, and stand behind him as he makes this epic journey to share aviation and STEM education with the entire world.

Trevor's social profiles:




TikTok: @TrevorThePilot

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