Auburn finally made the inevitable happen: Bryan Harsin is no more. So what would the NEW AU coach look like from a 'Bama perspective? Luke flies solo on today's pod to discuss. Meanwhile, a plea to fans to attend the upcoming Alabama basketball games and more thoughts on the strength of 'Bama's schedule this year! Roll Tide!
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Auburn finally made the inevitable happen: Bryan Harsin is no more. So what would the NEW AU coach look like from a 'Bama perspective? Luke flies solo on today's pod to discuss. Meanwhile, a plea to fans to attend the upcoming Alabama basketball games and more thoughts on the strength of 'Bama's schedule this year! Roll Tide!

LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to, faster. Post your job for free at LinkedIn Dot Com slash lockedoncollege. That’s LinkedIn Dot Com slash lockedoncollege to post your job for free. Terms and conditions apply.

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