After the pitcher's duel the night before, the offenses took center stage at Minute Maid Park for Game 2. When the team could have folded, the Angels answered the call and grinded out an 8-7 victory to clinch the series victory.

Depth cannot be overlooked when building a Major League roster, and while we may have our gripes about the starting rotation pieces, the makeup of the bullpen, and backup bench spots, the Angels have thus far proven they can win baseball games in any style. Some nights it'll be Tyler Skaggs pitching brilliantly. Others will feature Mike Trout willing the team to victory. Even others will see the home plate umpire squeezing the pitching staff, forcing the offense to crank out clutch 2-out hits, one after the other. That was last night.

The heroics of Albert Pujols, Andrelton Simmons, and Cam Bedrosian had big ramifications on Tuesday's outcome, and it all contributes to the magic of the Halos' season thus far. Let's all sit back and enjoy the ride.

Wednesday also means it's Wild West Wednesday, our weekly look across the AL West and how the entire division is taking shape. Don't forget to follow the show on Twitter @LockedOnAngels and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, and Google Play.

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