In today’s show, you’ll hear an interview from Cornell undergraduate Rosemary Glos.  She spoke with Cornell Professor Chelsea Specht, the Barbara McClintock Professor in the School of Integrative Plant Science, where she studies the evolutionary…Continue ReadingLSS 81: Women in Science I

Dr. Chelsea SpechtRosemary GlosRosemary Glos

In today’s show, you’ll hear an interview from Cornell undergraduate Rosemary Glos.  She spoke with Cornell Professor Chelsea Specht, the Barbara McClintock Professor in the School of Integrative Plant Science, where she studies the evolutionary biology of plants. In this interview, Dr. Specht talks about the value of the many natural history collections at Cornell.

Later in the show, you’ll hear a report on Ithaca College’s annual Women in Math day.  Esther Racoosin covered the February 8th event, where female high school students learned about the many reasons why they might want to consider majoring in math in college.

Janani Harihanan presents a profile of Dr. Janaki Ammal, the first woman scientist to receive a Ph.D. in Botany in the United States.

And Liz Mahood presents the Science News.

Image Credits: Cornell University, image of Dr. Chelsea Specht. Esther Racoosin, image of Ithaca College Women in Math publicity.

Show Producer: Esther Racoosin

Interview of Cornell Professor Dr. Chelsea Specht: Rosemary Glos

Profile of Dr. Janaki Ammal: Janani Harihanan

Science News: Liz Mahood