The first episode of 2020 and 90% of the cast flakes. So we decided to dust off the show that started it off and bring you a sneak peak of Hard Left. Mac and Santiago go on an adventures day talk the local goins one and gas station dick pills.

This show is sponsored by Red Head Printing go show them some love and be sure to use promo code LOCALTRASH325

[email protected]
(602) 715-6043

We’re also sponsored by Seat Giant. Buy experiences not just tickets. Tickets available for any concert, show, and sporting event in Texas, where everything is bigger! Need tickets? Think Seat Giant and use promo code LOCALTRASH325 to save.
You can reach us at [email protected]

For more info on the Texas Podcast Union Houston meet up 2/29/20


Remember to visit us at there you’ll find all our social media and the show it’s self as well as pics and tweets of the cast. Also you can send us direct questions via “The Box”

Local Trash and Hard Left are part of the No Please Don’t Podcast Network for more information on all our shows go to
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