This week we assemble the droogs and talk Stanley from the office working for an airport, serial killers and how to get away with murder, the preferred drug of white people, the superior fried chicken staple, Tony’s “Blackening”, going full retard, and the November challenges. All that in the first 30 it’s all downhill from there. Also Santiago does the shittiest Mathew McConaughey accent ever.

Remember to visit us at there you’ll find all our social media and the show it’s self as well as pics and tweets of the cast. Also you can send us direct questions via “The Box”

For more about Troy and his show Podcast Wrestling Society please visit

And for Troy and Santiago’s shows check out

Retro Rasslin Reveiw


Local Trash, Retro Rasslin Review, and Cine-Marks are part of the No Please Don’t Podcast Network for more information on us and all our shows go to
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