EPISODE 231 of The Local Small Business Coach Podcast


What You and Michael Jordan Have in Common

In today’s episode: Every great athlete knows the importance of having strong fundamentals and so does every great business owner. While you might not be taking 10,000 free throw shots each day, you do need to practice just as religiously with the areas of your business that you need to be able to do blindfolded at a world class level like Michael Jordan and other top athletes have and continue to do. So before you try to shoot for the moon and knock one out of the park, make sure you have a strong foundation to continue to build your business upon!


QUOTE OF THE WEEK:  “The minute you get away from fundamentals – whether its proper technique, work ethic or mental preparation – the bottom can fall out of your game, your schoolwork, your job, whatever you’re doing.” - Michael Jordan



The Local Small Business Coach Podcast is for Local Small Business Owners who are tired of living job to job and want to get to $100,000 in personal income. Each episode we discuss how to increase your profits, boost your sales, improve your processes and develop stronger teams.






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local small business owners, mobile businesses, brick and mortar businesses, handymen, landscapers, pool cleaners, cleaning services, QSRs, restaurant owners, mechanics, plumbers, real estate agents, dog groomers, franchisees, tradesmen, medical, dentist, insurance, & those looking to increase profits, boost sales, improve processes and develop stronger teams