EPISODE 222 of The Local Small Business Coach Podcast


Hiring People for Your Small Business in a Tight Labor Market


In today’s episode:  With unemployment at an all-time low, many local business owners are struggling to find good help. Whether it is the first hire or just replacing folks or growing your team, you always want to have the best people possible.

But what if those folks aren’t walking in your door or being recommended by those you trust? How do you find good people?

In this episode, we take a deeper dive into what you can do to find good people. Here are the areas we will discuss further:  

#1 Way - Great Help is Out There – Go to Them Using Help from Retired Folks Partner with Veterans Groups College Kids High School Councilors - Kids Not Going to College Folks Looking for Part-Time Work to Payoff Bills / Ends Meet Always Be Looking - Don't Hold on to Bad Apples

And don’t forget, once you hire the best, remember, it is even more important to grow & develop them.


QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Hiring the right people takes time, the right questions and a healthy dose of curiosity. What do you think is the most important factor when building your team? For us, it’s personality.” —Richard Branson



The Local Small Business Coach Podcast is for Local Small Business Owners who are tired of living job to job and want to get to $100,000 in personal income. Each episode we discuss how to increase your profits, boost your sales, improve your processes and develop stronger teams.





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local small business owners, mobile businesses, brick and mortar businesses, handymen, landscapers, pool cleaners, cleaning services, QSRs, restaurant owners, mechanics, plumbers, real estate agents, dog groomers, franchisees, tradesmen, medical, dentist, insurance, & those looking to increase profits, boost sales, improve processes and develop stronger teams