Fine Tune Your Elevator Speech

Leave Them Knowing the Pain Points You Solve | Whether you are at a networking event or being asked what you do for a living, you often times only have 30, 60, 90 seconds to tell folks what it is you do.  Many of us, tell them the industry we are in but fail to tell them the pain points we solve. One is about 'branding' and the other is what will help them refer you to their family, friends, customers.


For example, a landscaper might say they do landscaping like mowing, trimming, etc vs saying that you help homeowners who have received an HOA violation for weeds or you help busy homeowners so they can have their weekends off with their family vs working in the yard.


So next time you introduce yourself and your business, will you share the pain points you solve or just the business you are in? 




The Local Small Business Coach Podcast is for Local Small Business Owners who are tired of living job to job and want to get to $100,000 in personal income. Each episode we discuss how to increase your profits, boost your sales, improve your processes and develop stronger teams.





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local small business owners, mobile businesses, brick and mortar businesses, handymen, landscapers, pool cleaners, cleaning services, QSRs, restaurant owners, mechanics, plumbers, real estate agents, dog groomers, franchisees, tradesmen, medical, dentist, insurance, & those looking to increase profits, boost sales, improve processes and develop stronger teams