Episode 44 – The Local Small Business Coach Podcast

Today’s Topic:  Do You Own a Business or Just a Job?


In today’s episode: We discuss how most small businesses owners actually own a job and not a business. We will talk about how to tell which you have and what you need to do to go from Job to Business Owner


For the Full Show Notes Visit: Episode 44 - Local Small Business Coach Podcast



Podcast Website: LocalSmallBusinessCoach.com

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Our Training Materials for Local Small Business Owners:  TrainingforLocalSmallBusinessOwners.com

Starting a Local Small Business Website:  StartALocalSmallBusiness.com




local small business owners, mobile businesses, brick and mortar businesses, handymen, landscapers, pool cleaners, cleaning services, QSRs, restaurant owners, mechanics, plumbers, real estate agents, dog groomers, franchisees, tradesmen,  medical, dentist, insurance, & those looking to increase profits, boost sales, improve processes and develop stronger teams
