Episode 32 – The Local Small Business Coach Podcast

Today’s Topic:  7 Reasons Your Employee Turnover Might Be High      


In today’s episode: The loss of employees can be tough on your business. Constantly hiring and training new folks can be costly and time consuming. In this episode we walk through 7 reasons your employee turnover might be high.



I want to dedicate this entire week’s worth of episodes to your employees or as I like to refer to them your team. Now you may have heard some places are no longer calling them employees but rather team members to help promote the whole team concept vs the individual contribution. Ultimately it is up to you if you want to refer to them as employees or team members, the important thing to remember is that you respect them and you take really good care of them. They will not be hurt by one name or the other but they will not accept being disrespected.

The reason this even became an issue in the first place, was to drive that “team” feeling as I mentioned. Then for some reason, the word “employee” became a negative term.  Folks felt they needed to be a cool kid and join the crowd with this new term.  To move away from the employee / boss combo vs the team / leader combo that seems more positive.

But as I mentioned, most folks don’t care if they are treated right. If they aren’t treated right, then they will leave. Which we will get into in a few moments. But ultimately, don’t get hung up on this. Go with what feels right. But like I said employee, team member and probably a few other ones that have been floating around are all fine. More likely you are going to hear me float in between the two words employee and team member. So don’t get hung up on it.


For today’s topic I want to discuss 7 Reasons Your Employee Turnover Might Be High.

I think we can all agree that employee turnover can kill you. Not only due to the time it takes to find the right person, but also the time it takes to train them and for them to learn the job. 

On our next episode, we will go into more detail on how turnover is costing you thousands of dollars each year, but for today, let’s take a look at 7 reasons why folks decide to leave you in the first place.


You Hire the Wrong People

Too often we hire folks that fill a spot or a need and not necessarily the best qualified person.  I’ve hired thousands of people through the years and I can tell you, there are a lot of people that interview well but are nothing like the person that shows up to work. It takes time to spot the warning signs that might show up.

For example, if you are interviewing someone and they just roll their eyes or get annoyed at the interruptions that might happen, then how will they deal with the interruptions they are bound to get during the normal business day.

Now don’t get me wrong, I prefer interviews in a quiet setting but the reality is, many of you are doing these interviews in your lobby.

Also, ask questions that require more reality based answers vs theory. Everyone will tell you they are great with customers. They would be stupid not to. But have them tell you how they have dealt with folks in the past. Great customer service they have already given. If you hire kids for their first job, you can still talk about how they handle helping people. Do they help folks at school, at church, in clubs, at home?

And NEVER EVER EVER hire people because they fog up the mirror and you are desperate. You will pay the price in the long run.

We will do future shows on hiring but you get the idea.


Lack of Training both at hire and ongoing

Do you hire people and throw them to the wolves? Or do you have an official onboarding process you use? Do your new folks go into a training program or mentorship to learn the job you hired them for? Or do you use the “sink or swim” method?

But training doesn’t stop with bringing them on board. Training means you have an ongoing program to help people get better at their job. When a new task is introduced, do you teach them the expectations and give them the tools to do it?  Do you know most people fail in their job due to lack of training or at least poor training?

Either they will quit due to being frustrated or you will fire them for doing their job poorly.


Treat Them Poorly

This one is a no brainer. If you treat your people poorly, they will not stick around long


**  For the full show notes click the link below!



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Episode Show Notes:  Episode 32 - Local Small Business Coach Podcast

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