“When I start something new, I’m not going to be an expert at day one… You have to meet yourself where you are and allow life to happen… Sometimes, you’ve got to just fight for it, and sometimes you just have to take a step back.”


Joel Primus is an entrepreneur, speaker, and filmmaker. He is the founder of the underwear company, Naked, co-founder of Kosan Travel, and author of “Getting Naked: The Bare Necessities of Entrepreneurship and Start-Ups”.


Join him as he shares little nuggets of wisdom relating to entrepreneurship and being a creator. Follow his entrepreneurial journey and how to cultivate a successful business mindset. Listen as he talks about how to nurture the clarity of purpose, being driven in how to succeed in business and in life, and how to reach success beyond limits.


“Culture, clarity of vision, and hiring the right people that fit… those [three] components of your business create a compound effect that is without comparison. You’ll start to see the effects of those three things clicking in your business… no matter what happens.”


Website: https://joelprimus.com/


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joelprimus/?originalSubdomain=ca