‘The world is the best teacher. You can’t ever learn anything the way you can learn when you’re talking to other people and seeing people who look and live differently.’

Gabriella Ribeiro has the travel bug, and it’s this passion that fuels her business. She owns TRUmarketing, a boutique firm that specializes in travel-related clients worldwide. With 48 Hour Power Jaunt, she plans 2-day adventures for busy entrepreneurs.

‘One of the best things an entrepreneur can invest in is a plane ticket and a little bit of observation.’

Find out what travelling has taught Gabriella throughout her life. She updates us on the travel industry today and how it is coping up during the pandemic. She also shares her entrepreneurial journey and her top favourite destinations.


Find more about Gabriella and her work here:

TRUmarketing: https://trumarketing.com/

48 Hour Power Jaunt: https://www.48hourpowerjaunt.com/


For tips on how to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset, listen to previous episodes.