‘I realized that managers are promoted because they’re good at what they do, not because they’re good at leading people. But being a top performer does not have the same skill set as a leader.’


Founder and CEO of Raise the Bar and Stride Aaron Levy helps businesses succeed by providing leadership training and confidential coaching for all employees. Learn about his vision about building better leaders — making managers into coaches 


‘Managers are the reason why people stay or leave their jobs.’


Aaron believes that achieving success is possible for everyone, whether you’re in a management position or a member of a team. That’s why he strives to provide access to coaching for all levels of employees.


Find out how he started as a film major and what made him shift to coaching, as well as the lessons he learned early in his business.


For more about the business leaders of today and success stories of entrepreneurs, listen to previous episodes.


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aelevy/

Raise the Bar: https://www.raisebar.co/

Stride: https://www.strideapp.co/