When you’ve got nothing to lose, just go in all directions with as much energy as you can and see what’s next.
Author and founder of Exposure Ninja, Tim Cameron-Kitchen was a drummer and had no prior knowledge of SEO, but he wanted to help his neighbor promote their business. And that’s how his journey into digital marketing started.
There’s a couple of pitfalls that new businesses can fall into. One of the most serious is believing that because you’re a startup, you need to chase investment.
On this episode, we touch upon several points including
the massive mistake he made early in his business and what he learned from it
the importance of sales teams
making sure your business is profitable and stable before you seek investors, and more

Get in touch with Tim:
Exposure Ninja: https://exposureninja.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/timcameronkitchen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/timninjakitchen
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ExposureNinja

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